Jan Simson

👋 Hi, I’m Jan! I’m currently a doctoral candidate at the Konrad Zuse School for Excellence in Reliable AI and the Department of Statistics at the LMU Munich. Besides my research, I give professional workshops with a focus on technical skills such as using git effectively. If you’re interested in a workshop, please get in touch

I graduated with a Master of Science in Psychology: Behavioural Data Science from the Universiteit van Amsterdam and just after, worked as a data analyst at PicNic, a Dutch grocery startup. Previously, I spent a year working as a research fellow at the Harvard Music Lab (now at Yale & Auckland), where we study the perception of music and with whom I still collaborate.

I enjoy solving hard problems and combine insights and methods from Data Science, Psychology and Computer Science in my work.

Before I started working at the Harvard Music Lab, I finished my Bachelor of Science in Psychology at the University of Konstanz in Germany. During my Bachelor in Psychology, I spent a year abroad at the University of Essex in the UK. Before starting my academic studies, I completed a vocational education as a Specialized Computer Scientist in Software Development at three-2-one in Germany, for whom I continued working throughout the whole of my academic studies.