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Command Line Interface

multiversum provides a command-line interface (CLI) to run multiverse analyses directly from your terminal. After installing the package, you can run the CLI either via python -m multiversum or uv run -m multiversum (if using uv).

python -m multiversum

Run a multiverse analysis from the command line.


python -m multiversum [OPTIONS]


  --mode [full|continue|test]    How to run the multiverse analysis.
                                 (continue: continue from previous run, full:
                                 run all universes, test: run a minimal set of
                                 universes where each unique option appears at
                                 least once)
  --config PATH                  Relative path to a TOML, JSON or Python file
                                 with a config for the multiverse. Defaults to
                                 searching for multiverse.toml,
                                 multiverse.json, (in that
  --universe PATH                Relative path to the universe file to run.
                                 Defaults to searching for universe.ipynb,
                        (in that order).
  --output-dir PATH              Relative path to output directory for the
  --seed INTEGER                 The seed to use for the analysis (Defaults to
  --u-id TEXT                    Examine only a single universe with the given
                                 universe id (or starting with the provided
  --grid-only                    Only export the multiverse grid without
                                 running the analysis.
  --grid-format [json|csv|none]  Format of the exported multiverse grid (json,
                                 csv, or none to skip export).
  --help                         Show this message and exit.