Intro to git

Block 3.3: Let’s Get Writing

Jan Simson


Markdown is a simple language for basic text formatting

  • Markdown is widely used for simple text documents
  • It’s used by GitHub Pages for content formatting
  • It’s also used for READMEs
    • These are files describing a repository / giving an introduction
    • They will be shown by default when you open a repository on a hosting website
  • Example 🐍

Markdown: The Basics

Markdown is a simple language for basic text formatting

# Big heading
## Slightly smaller heading
### Even smaller heading

Normal text
*italic text*
**thick text**

- A
- Simple
- List

Markdown: The Basics

Example of the markdown code from before, but now rendered

Practical: README 📚️

  1. Add a README to your git-example repository

🎉 Bonus Practical: learngitbranching #2

  1. Go to
  2. Finish Lessons 1 - 6 in the remote section on the website

End of Block 🎉

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