Intro to git

Block 3.1: Going Online - Github

Jan Simson

What is GitHub?

  • GitHub is a website to host git repositories
  • By having your git repository online, you can easily collaborate with others
  • There are many other similar, alternative websites
    • Codeberg 🇩🇪
    • GitLab
    • Bitbucket
    • … (and many more)
  • Together they contain the majority of the world’s software

Why use a Website?

  • Backup of your project
  • Collaboration
    • Not just with people you know
  • Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS)
  • Visibility

Demo: A Tour of

Connecting git and github

Authenticating with GitHub 🗝️

  • We will use a great external guide to set up the authentication with GitHub
  • Please go to the website and follow the steps to authenticate with GitHub
  • A PDF version of the guide can be found here

External Guide by Mike Croucher & Malika Ihle

Cloning a Repository

  • You can download repositories from GitHub (and anywhere else), by cloning them
  • For public repositories, git clone just works, for private ones you will need to be authenticated
  • git clone <remote URL>

Cloning a Repository

You can find the remote URL by going to a repository on GitHub and clicking the Code button

git clone

Practical: Cloning a private repository

  1. Go to the website of the repository I added you all to:<current-term>
  2. Copy the SSH clone URL from the repositories website
  3. Clone the repository to check whether you can authenticate with github




  • Link to a remote repository on a hosting website
  • There can be more than one remote, but it is uncommon
  • Just like your repository, the remote repository also has branches
  • The default name for a remote is origin
    • When you clone a repository, this remote is already linked

Adding a Remote

When you want to add an existing repository to github, you will have to add the remote yourself

git remote add <remote name> <remote URL>

For example:

git remote add origin

To learn about all possible commands for remotes use -h

git remote -h

End of Section 🎉

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